Budget Scenario Template

This is a budget scenario template. It’s meant to help early stage startups run some rough numbers on what their expenses are going to be, and how that relates to investment rounds.

In order to use this, use File > Make a Copy to get your own version.

This was originally developed by Boris Mann and the Full Stack Ventures team in Canada, but isn’t for any specific country or currency.

If you are an international team, it may make sense to treat everything in $USD.

The general expenses are “real” numbers in the sense that unless you have specific knowledge of costs, they are a good starting point and what you can expect to pay.

e.g. $250 / month for a year of corporate accounting, and the same for year 1 legal, although legal is usually paid in lump sum fees.

Much like you can make a Request for Pitch Review, we can also connect you with people willing to review your budget scenario.

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